Thursday, June 9, 2011

On the Run with Miss O

First things first.  Someone needs to figure out a way to bottle a child's energy.  I would buy that. 

Meet Miss O.  I met her and her Mama at Silverwood Park in St. Anthony on a beautiful late afternoon in May.  I've taken pictures with little Miss O on several occasions, and after her mom and I had a good laugh over an embarrassing moment (self-induced) from a previous session, we got down to the business of making silly faces, playing and having all kinds of fun.  Miss O is super cute with an infectious smile.  And on this day she was all about exploring.  And I was all about chasing her, everywhere, in that adorable dress.  Isn't that dress so sweet?  Here are some pictures from our session. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wedding Preview: Gary + Suzy

Gary and Suzy are a beautiful couple.  And fun.  And just a bit smitten with each other.  You don't need to spend a lot of time with them to see this.  I was so happy to be celebrating their wedding day with them.  And equally happy to once again have Brooke Wood second shooting with me.  Love her.

The day began as my other May weddings had...with rain.  And more rain coming.  Gary and Suzy had chosen not to see each other prior to the ceremony.  This worked out nicely because after the ceremony at the beautiful Faith Lutheran Church in St. Paul, the church doors were opened to a fabulous and unexpected surprise, sunshine!  We took a drive around Como, where Gary had grown up, and took some pictures.  Then headed over to O'Reilley Hall in North St. Paul for the reception.  My day started and ended with rain, and what happened in between was absolutely lovely.  Here are a few pictures from the day...
One of Brooke's pictures of the ladies.
 The newlyweds
 One of Brooke's pictures and one of my faves.  So sweet!!
 I loved the yummy light coming through Suzy's veil during their Grand March into the reception hall.
 Suzy surprised Gary with a Stanley Cup cake.

It was a good surprise.
I'm a sucker for funny and heartfelt wedding toasts.  Toast time is always one of the highlights of the day for me.  The best man and maid of honor both delivered. Big time.
What wedding would be complete without the groom treating the crowd to "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah"?  It really doesn't get much better than that, does it?!
 Oh yes, and this happened...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Catch Me If You Can: My Session with B & F

To say that I am a multi-tasker would be an exaggeration.  Actually, it would be a down-right lie.  My husband would tell you that I have a difficult time chewing gum and composing a complete sentence at the same time.  And I wouldn't have much of an argument, as I struggle to write this blog post and listen to music at the same time!  In fact, I just had to break from writing to do a little dance in my chair to SexyBack by Justin Timberlake.  Anyways...I do, however, love taking pictures, crazy cute kids, and exercise that doesn't feel like exercise.  Combine those three things and you have my session with B & F.  On our first attempt at their session we were rained out.  Weird, I know, it's hardly rained at all this spring (heavy on sarcasm).  We tried again the next morning with sunny skies.  There's so much brotherly love between these two.  So cute!  Full of smiles and energy.  The little man was going full speed ahead the entire session and was never without a smile on his face.  It was a fun way to start off the day!  Thanks for spending the morning with me boys!