Sunday, January 23, 2011

Project 365: Day 19

It probably started with an eye roll, because it usually does when my husband suggests we take his commuter car anywhere.  It's just not my preferred method of travel.  But my kids love it and call it the "race car" so I was quickly out-numbered.  On our way home from a nice family brunch I managed to spill coffee all over myself.  I blame it on a flimsy cup holder and NOT me trying to stuff too big of a travel mug into too small of a cup holder.  That's when it was discovered.  Frantically looking for something to soak up the spilled coffee I opened the glove box.  Dun Dun Dun...  It took a minute to register, because you don't anticipate finding a mouse nest when you open a glove box.  I slammed the door shut and hauled my butt into the backseat in between the kids, both of whom looked stunned and confused at the sight of their mother scurrying towards them in fear from the front seat.

The nest was empty.  Not that that matters too much.  They were there.  They built a nest inside of the glove box.  I hope this is the grossest blog post I put on here.  But, it was undoubtedly a memorable moment of my day so here it is.

I'm positive the eye rolling will continue at any mention of "can we take the race car?"

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