Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project 365: Day 22

Alright, so apparently I'm going to miss a day here and there.  I've accepted that this may end up being "Project 298" and I'm completely at peace with that.  I just wanted to be up front regarding my own expectation level.  If you don't over-commit you can't under-produce, right?  Wow, how lame was that phrase?  I promise that is not my motto in life.  Instead, I will say that I may miss a day here and there, but as long as what I do is done with purpose and something I can look back on and be proud of, well, then I am satisfied.  Whew, that felt better than those quitter words.  Who was that girl?

Anyways, trip to the doctor's office.  Just a check up.  However, even though we fortunately haven't frequented the doctor this winter it seems like we've been having trouble keeping illness out of our house.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  I need to be buying stock in Kleenex.  Now that the kids are older and exposed to more kids they seem to be walking petri dishes.  When someone comes home with a runny nose I should just check into a hotel, because my immune system is no match for them.  They will take me down.  Every time.

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