Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Project 365 - Day 1

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season!

I've decided to challenge (and most likely torture) myself by attempting Project 365 for 2011.  A picture a day for 365 days along with a journal entry as to why the image was selected.  My mother-in-law did it for 2010 and I found myself inspired after looking through her album.  Realistically, I give myself a week.  Especially considering my intentions were to start on Jan. 1 and it is now Jan. 5.  I figure if I blog it I will have motivators to help keep me chugging along.  So here we go... 
This morning my son was awake at 6 a.m.  Not a big deal, except that I don't typically roll out of bed until 7(ish).  He laid down with me in boredom until 6:30 a.m. and then asked to go downstairs and watch cartoons.  Absolutely.  I came downstairs shortly after to find this little pajama party on the couch.

Battle Cat is our temporary house guest.  He usually resides in the garage but while his broken leg is on the mend he's enjoying lots of TLC.  He even had his cast decorated when he came home from the vet.  Nothing says "I love you" like a signed cast.  What happened to Battle Cat's leg, you ask?  Who knows.  His name is Battle Cat and he embraces his name fully.  He most likely was fighting off a pack of wolves to save a poor, defenseless animal.  That sounds like him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this! I know you will look back and be glad you took time to capture a moment of a memory in your day:)
