Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project 365: Day 2

Day two is in the bag.  Well, what do you know, maybe I can do this! 

New Year, New 'Do.  I got LOTS of hair cut off by the fabulous hair extraordinaire, Becky Hopkins of Mode Salon in White Bear Lake.  My son is still getting used to it.  He told me I was handsome and that I look like my brother.  He was also concerned that my hugs were going to feel different.  We had a hug test and fortunately I passed, but he hasn't retracted the "look like your brother" comment yet.

Today was self-portrait attempt #1.  I'm sure there will be others.  I took a few but thought this one encompassed life of a work-from-home mom.  My sideways gaze is not me trying to be cute...something fell in the hallway as the shutter snapped.  I also had no idea that diva dog Daisy had jumped up on the couch for a photo opp.  There's always something, and I'm glad there is.  It makes life (and photos) more interesting. :)


  1. LOL-ed on everything about Ryan! What a funny little man!! Love the Do. It's nice to change it up! Becci B

  2. I love the new do! It is really cute! I enjoy checking out your photos and love your funny explanations!

  3. You look adorable! The hairstyle is super cute on you! Ryan is too funny!!
