Thursday, January 27, 2011

Project 365ish: Day 23

I love a shop that has a daily brain teaser on a post-it in their drive thru.  The question of the day was "What kind of candy on a stick should last All Day?"  I half-heartedly guessed peppermint stick, but I felt like the answer was in the question.  It was.  He laughed and told me I was too young to know the answer.  That made me happy.  Well, the young part, maybe not the humor he found in my ignorance.  He didn't mean anything by it though.  The last time I was there it was a math question and I told him that I couldn't do math until I had caffeine.  That answer had amused him too.

For those of you dying to know and are as young as I am the answer is an All Day sucker.  The giant colorful suckers.  I am familiar with the suckers but was unaware of their formal name.  And the coffee shop is the Nesting Grounds in Wyoming.  Try the Toasted Snowflake.  It's gotta be 1,000 calories but it's winter, so you're wearing a lot of sweaters anyways.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the last line in your blog - too funny! That's how I feel all winter long - which is probably why I have to hit the treadmill hard come February ;)
